Bitcoin testnet transaction e89bf73bd2465bcb4804c68bc19154d6f2f512e0f05d80accfe635a19d5e9433
Time | 2023-03-19 19:30:12 UTC
1year 11months ago
Block | 2425098 [43] |
Type | segwit |
Confirmations | 1 623 586 |
Confirmation time | less then minute |
Size / base size | 255 / 146 bytes |
Virtual size / weight | 174 / 693 |
Witness |
83c4d478479b7c35cc5303e96d67fb421bbdacb7b3773102f5d5e8475b080e55 |
Version | 2 |
Lock time | 0 |
Fee | 0.00000174tBTC |
Fee rate | 1 satoshi/vByte |
Data text | by the grace of yahweh |
Data hex | 627920746865206772616365206f6620796168776568 |
Raw transaction |
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